Garlic is sprouting up, some leeks are hanging on (forgetting about them and then having them trampled may not help them), and snap peas are green! The chickens have some babies, and the chilacayote is going crazy. As I write, I am making some squash gratin for a pot luck. Just last week we used the finger limes for some marmalade.
As the rains come some of the natives are beginning to pop up again. We went to Annie's Annuals a couple weekends ago and picked up some longer term plants to incorporate into both the front and the back yards. The most interesting of which is probably the Puya, a variety of which that will take 8 or so years to bloom. We have some others to attract pollinators into the back, like a couple of new lavenders (a white and a pink), and a matilija poppy.
The rain and storm today were beautiful. Seeing ice (hail) in the garden was strange for California, but I loved it just the same.